- Title: Scholastic Gastroenterology: (SCGY)
- Category: Clinical Medicine
- Peer review: Double blind
- Publication format: Electronic
- Publication policy: Open Access
- Publication type(s): Periodicals
- Publication Started: August, 2022
- Publisher: Scholastic International Open Library
- Language: English
- Contact email: info@scholasticopen.in
Scholastic Gastroenterology: (SCGY)
Scholastic Gastroenterology is dedicated to publishing high-quality articles with a primary focus on gastroenterology, hepatology, gastrointestinal surgery, and gastrointestinal endoscopy. Our journal covers a broad spectrum of gastroenterology topics, including gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, pancreatic cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and liver transplantation. We aim to solicit and publish comprehensive information pertaining to Gastroenterology and the Digestive System.
Aim and Scope:
Major subject areas of interest within the field of gastroenterology include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Gastrointestinal Infections
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Gastric Cancer
- Gastric Inflammation
- Digestive Enzymes
- Stomach Cancer
- Intestinal Blockage
- Stomach Disorders
- Constipation
- Epigastric Pain
- Endoscopy
- Gallbladder Disorders
- Stomach Cramps
- Gastrointestinal Radiology
- Gastrointestinal Pharmacology
- Hepatology
- Gastrointestinal Inflammation
- Gastrointestinal Hormones
- Pancreatic Disorders
- Gastrointestinal Surgery
- Gastrointestinal Tuberculosis
- GIST Sarcoma
- Stomach Ulcer
- Abdominal Adhesions
- Acid Indigestion
- Acid Reflux
- Acid Regurgitation
- Alagille Syndrome
- Anal Fissure
- Antacids
- Barium Enema
- Barium Swallow
- Bile Duct Disorders
- Bloating
- Bowel Control
- Celiac Sprue
- Cirrhosis of the Liver
- Colitis
- Collagenous Colitis
- Colonic Atresia
- Colostomy
- Continent Ileostomy
- Copper Storage Disease
- Dehydration
- Delayed Gastric Emptying
- Digestive Disorders
- Duodenal Ulcers
- Diarrhea
- Dysentery
- Dyspepsia
- Esophageal Cancer
- Feeding Tube
- Flatulence
- Gluten Intolerance
- Gluten-free Diet
- Heartburn
- Hepatitis A, B, C
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Ileoanal Reservoir
- Ileostomy
- Imperforate Anus
- Indigestion
- Intestinal Gas
- Intussusception
- Iron Overload Disease
- Laxatives
- Lymphocytic Colitis
- Milk Intolerance
- NSAIDs and Peptic Ulcers
- Nontropical Sprue
- Pancreatic Duct Disorders
- Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Hemorrhoids
- Polyps
- Pseudo-obstruction
- Pyrosis
- Rapid Gastric Emptying
- Regional Enteritis
- Salivary Gland Disorders
- Short Bowel Syndrome
- Smoking and the Digestive System
- Stomach Flu
- Stomach Infections
- Stomach Nerve Damage
- Traveler's Diarrhea
- Upset Stomach
- Volvulus
- Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome and its Treatment
The journal encompasses a wide range of topics within the realm of Gastroenterology, aiming to provide comprehensive coverage of the field.